
The First One.

Let me start from the beginning.

First of all, I love Japan but I have only been once before. Back in my high school days when shit was real and my social life sucked less, I went on a study abroad to Japan. I fell in love and now I am going back for an entire year...which brings me to the reason I am writing this blog. I went to Japan, I saw things, I did things, I ate things, but now it's all fuzzy. My best friend, however, wrote a xanga (the OG blogspot) and now all of her trials and triumphs in Japan are at her fingertips, free for her to peruse as she wishes. I want this. I want to peruse.

So here I am, months away from Japan and waiting for my acceptance letter from Sophia University (my college assured me that I'm in but wouldn't it be funny if I somehow got rejected? *nervous snort-laugh*). I will post a shit load more right before I get to Japan and when I am actually there but for now my posts will probably be random-Japanese related things.